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Herron Classical Schools Scholars SAT Success

Newly released SAT Score data shows that together, Herron Classical Schools high schools outperformed all other Marion County public schools on the SAT. Herron High School and Herron-Riverside High School nearly DOUBLED the percentage of students who met the SAT proficiency benchmarks from 2022 to 2023.

These testing scores indicate college and career readiness by showing not only how students perform on a test in a general sense, but also how they think through problems meaningfully and recall knowledge they’ve been building upon since the start of high school. The test consists of Math sections and Evidence Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) sections. When a student “meets the benchmark score” on the SAT, it indicates that they could enroll in a college-level math or writing course and successfully pass the class. 

Score trends across the state of Indiana - at private, traditional public, and charter schools alike - have shown no change or even a decrease in the number of students who met the benchmark. At Herron Classical Schools we have nearly DOUBLED the number of our students who meet the benchmark. Year after year, HCS’s classical, liberal arts and sciences curriculum is producing results -  scholars who are equipped to enter college and succeed. 

IDOE SAT Results